Joshua Winslow "Josh" Groban (born February 27, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, musician, actor, and record producer.
"The Prayer" lyrics
Céline Marie Claudette Dion, CC OQ ChLD is a Canadian singer. Born into a large family from Charlemagne, Quebec.
I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go.
And help us to be wise in times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way
Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe
La luce che tu hai
I pray we'll find your light
nel cuore restera
and hold it in our hearts.
a ricordarci che
When stars go out each night,
eterna stella sei
The light you have
I pray we'll find your light
will be in the heart
and hold it in our hearts.
to remember us that
When stars go out each night,
you are eternal star
Nella mia preghiera
Let this be our prayer
quanta fede c'e
when shadows fill our day
How much faith there's
Let this be our prayer
in my prayer
when shadows fill our day
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
Sognamo un mondo senza piu violenza
un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino
Simbolo di pace, di fraternita
We dream a world without violence
a world of justice and faith.
Everyone gives the hand to his neighbours
Symbol of peace, of fraternity
La forza che ci da
We ask that life be kind
e il desiderio che
and watch us from above
ognuno trovi amor
We hope each soul will find
intorno e dentro se
another soul to love
The force his gives us
We ask that life be kind
is wish that
and watch us from above
everyone finds love
We hope each soul will find
around and inside
another soul to love
Let this be our prayer
Let this be our prayer, just like every child
Need to find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
Need to find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
E la fede che
hai acceso in noi,
sento che ci salvera
It's the faith
you light in us
I feel it will save us
Submit Corrections CELINE DION Lyrics
Writer(s): Alberto Testa, Tony Renis, David W. Foster, Carole Bayer Sager
Copyright: Warner-barham Music LLC
Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae,
et in Iesum Christum, Filium Eius unicum, Dominum nostrum,
qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine,
passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus,
descendit ad inferos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis,
ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Patris omnipotentis,
inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos.
Credo in Spiritum Sanctum,
sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam, sanctorum communionem,
remissionem peccatorum,
carnis resurrectionem,
vitam aeternam.
Invocations, Prayers, and Mantras
Invocations, Prayers, and Mantras
Asato Ma Sadgamaya
Dhyana Mulam Gurur Murtih
Gayatri Mantra (Om Bhur Bhuvah Swah)
Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu
Karpura Gauram Karunavataram
Kayena Vaca Manasendriar Va
Mahamrtyunjaya Mantra (Om Tryambukam)
Omkaram Bindu Samyuktam
Om Namah Sivaya Gurave
Om Purnamadah Purnamidam
Om Saha Navavatu
Om Sarvesam Swastir Bhavatu
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Twameva Mata Ca Pita Twameva
1. I believe in God the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
2. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
3. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
4. Under Pontius Pilate, He was crucified, died, and was buried.
5. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again.
6. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
7. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
8. I believe in the Holy Spirit,
9. the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,
10. the forgiveness of sins,
11. the resurrection of the body,
12. and the life everlasting.
Words to Prayers from the Portland Hindu Temple
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:: Prayers with English Translations
Temple Prayer (Aarti)
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Swami Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Bhakta janonke sankat
Bhakta janonke sankat Kshan me door kare
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Om! Victory to You, Hari, Ruler of the Universe
You make the troubles of your devotees vanish in a second
Jo dhyave phal pave
Dhukh bin se man ka
Swami dhukh bin se man ka
Sukha sampati Ghar ave
Sukha sampati Ghar ave
Kasht mite tan ka
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Whoever thinks of You, gets results without any mental grief,
Happiness and wealth come to his home
Aand his bodily woes vanish.
Mata pita tum mere
Sharan padum mi kis ki
Swami sharan padum mi kis ki
Tum bina aur na dooja
Tum bina aur na dooja
Asha karum mi kis ki
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
You are my mother and my father
Who else can I seek refuge from?
There is no one else other than You for me,
Who shall I yearn for?
Tum pooran Paramatma
Tum Antaryami
Swami Tum Antaryami
Parabrahma Parameshwara
Parabrahma Parameshwara
Tum sab ke Swami
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
You are whole and You are the Supreme Self
You are the Indweller in every being.
O Supreme God, O Supreme Ruler
You are the Master of everybody
Tum karuna ke sagar
Tum palan karta
Swami Tum palan karta
Mi sevak tum swami
Mi sevak tum swami
Kripa karo bharta
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
You are the Ocean of Mercy
You are the Ruler
I am Your servant and You are the Master
Please show mercy my Lord
Tum ho ek agochar
Sab ke pranapati
Swami sab ke pranapati
Kis vidhi miloom dayamaya
Kisi vidhi miloom dayamaya
Tum ko mi kumati
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
You are the Unseen
You are the Master of everyone's life
How can I meet You, O Abode of Kindness
Deena bandhu dukh harta
Tum rakshak mere
Swami tum rakshak mere
Apane hast uthavo
Apane hast uthavo
Dwar khada mi tere
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
O friend of the downtrodden,
O remover of grief
You are my protector
I am standing at your door
Please raise Your hand to assure me.
Vishaya vikar mithavo
Pap haro deva
Swami pap haro deva
Shraddha bhakti badhavo
Shraddha bhakti badhavo
Santan ki seva
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Please eradicate all material desires in me
Aand remove my sins,
Increase my love for You and let me serve You
Tan man dhan sab kuch hi tera
Swami sab kuch hi tera
Tera tujh ko arpan
Tera tujh ko arpan
Kya lage mera
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
My body, my mind, my wealth
And my everything belongs to You
I offer what is Yours to You
What is there that is mine?
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Swami Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Bhakta janonke sankat
Bhakta janonke sankat
Kshan me door kare
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Om! Victory to You, Hari, Ruler of the Universe
You make the troubles of your devotees vanish in a second
Gayatri Mantra
Aum Bhoor Bhuwah Swaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasaya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat
OM. I adore the Divine Self who illuminates the three worlds -physical, astral and causal;
I offer my prayers to that God who shines like the Sun.
May He enlighten our intellect.
Maha Mrutunjaya Mantra
Om Trayambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanat
Mrityormukshiya Mamritat Om
Om-We worship the three eyed -one (Lord Shiva ) who is fragrant and
who nourishes well all beings;
may He liberate us from death for the sake of Immortality even as a cucumber is
severed from its bondage(to the creeper).Om
Mangala Harati
Karpoora Gauram Karunavataram
Samsara Saram Bhujagendra Haram
Sada Vasantam Hridayaravinde
Bhavam Bhavani Sahitam Namami
I salute to the merciful Bhava (i.e. Shiva) who is with his consort Parvati,
Adorned with the necklace of the serpant
Mangalam Bhagavan Vishnum
Mangalam Garudadhwajah
Mangalam Pundareekaksham
Mangalayatano Harih
All auspiciousness to God Vishnu
All auspiciousness to One who has Garuda as His flag
All auspiciousness to One who has eyes like the lotus flowers
And auspeciousness to Hari
Sarva Mangala Mangalye
Shive Sarvartha Sadhike
Sharanye Tryambake Gauri
Narayani Namostute
Narayani Namostute
Narayani Namostute
O Parvati, you who makes all desires possible
the most auspicious of the auspicious
My refuge, Gauri, Triambika,
I salute to You
I salute to you
I salute to you.
Maha Lakshmi Ashtaka Strotamr
Namastestu Mahamaye
Shree pithe sura poojite
Shanka Chakra Gadha haste
Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
O Cause of the Maha Maya, My solutation to You
Who is worshipped by the gods
And holding a conch, discuss and a mace in Her hands
O Maha lakshmi, I salute You
Namastestu Garudarudhe
Kolasura bhayankari
Sarva papa hare devi
Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
O rider of the Garuda,
and striker of terror in the heart of the demon Kolasura
my solutation to You
O remover of every sin
O Maha Lakshmi, I salute You
Sarvajne sarva varade
Sarva dushta bhayankari
Sarva duhkha hare devi
Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
You are All knowing, bestower of everything
You cause terror to all sinners
O remover of all griefs, O Maha Lakshmi, I solute You
Siddhi buddhi prade devi
Bhakti mukti pradayini
Mantra moorte sada devi
Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
You are the giver of the powers and the wisdom
You bestow both devotion and liberation
You are the form of the mantra,
O Maha Lakshmi, I salute You
Adyanta rahite devi
Adi shakti Maheshwari
Yogaje yoga sambhute
Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
You have no Beginning or End
You are the Original Energy and the Great Ruler
You are born of Yoga
I salute You, O Maha Lakshmi
Sthula sukshme maha raudre
Maha shakti mahodari
Maha papa hare devi
Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
You are very big as well as very minute
You are the terrifying
You are the Great Shakti,
the One with the great Stomach
You are the remover of all sins
I solute You, O Maha Lakshmi
Padmasana sthithe devi
Parabrahma swaroopini
Parameshi jagan mata
Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
You are sitting in the lotus position
You are the personification of the Great Lord
You are the Great Ruler
You are the Mother of the Universe
I solute You,O Maha Lakshmi
Shwetambara dhare devi
Nanalankara shobhite
Jagasthithe Jaganmata
Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
You are wearing a white cloth
You are resplendent with a great variety of adornments
You pervade the Universe and You are the Mother of the Universe
O Maha Lakshmi, I salute you
Maha Lakshmyashtakam Stotram
Yah patheth bhakti man narah
Sarva siddhi mavapnoti
Rajyam prapnoti sarvada
All powers acrue and the kingdom belongs to him who
Recites the prayer of the eight verses with love in praise of Maha Lakshmi.
Eka kalam pathennityam
Maha papa vinashanam
Dwikalam yah pathennityam
Dhana dhanya samanvitah
He who recites this once a day, gets rid of all his sins
One who reads it twice a day, gets great wealth
Trikalam yah pathennityam
Maha shatru vinashanam
Maha Lakshmi Bhavennityam
Prasanna varada shubhah
One who recites this three times a day, gets rid of his great enemies
With the mercy of Maha Lakshmi, all good things come to him.
Twameva mata cha pita twameva
Twameva bandhushcha sakha twameva
Twameva vidya dravinam twameva
Twameva sarvam mama deva deva
You are my mother and my father
You are my relative and friend
You are my knowledge and my wealth
You are my all O Lord of Lords.
Satvika Tyagamti
Kayena vacha manasendriyairva
Buddhyatmana va prakrite swabhavath
Karoomi yadyad sakalam parasmai
Narayanayeti samarpayami
Whatever I do with my mind, body, speech or with other senses of my body,
Or with my intellect or with my innate natural tendencies
I offer everything to Narayana
Mukam karooti vachalam
Pangum langhayate girim
Yat krupa tamaham vande
Paramanandam Madhavam
You make a dumb person a talkative person
You can make a lame person jump over a mountain
I salute to You and seek that mercy of Yours O Madhava.
Vasudeva sutam Devam
Kamsa Chanoora mardhanam
Devaki paramanandam
Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
I salute to the Go Krishna who is the Son of Vasudeva,
Who killed Kamsa and Chanoora,
Who is the source of Bliss to His mother Devaki
And who is the Teacher of the Universe.
Kararavinde na padaravindam
Mukharavinde viniveshayantam
Vatasya patrasya pute shayanam
Balam Mukundam manasa smarami
I remember with all my heart the Child Mukunda
who is sleeping on the leaf of the banyan tree
(at the beginning of the Universe)
Sri Krishna Govinda Hare Murare
He Natha Narayana Vasudeva
Jihve pibaswa amritam yat deva
Govinda Damodara Madhaveti
Sri Govinda damodara Madhaveti
Sri Govinda Damodara Madhaveti.
O Krishna! O Govinda! O Hari! O Murari!
O Master! O Narayana! O Vasudeva!
I drink the nectar of your name
By calling on You as Govinda! Damodara! Madhava!
Govinda! Damodara! Madhava!
Govinda! Damodara! Madhava!
Yani kani cha papani
Janmantara kritanicha
Tani tani vinashyanti
Pradakshinam pade pade
I rotate in my place(in front of the Deity) to kill all my sins
That I may have committed in my past births
Prakrishta papa nashaya
Prakrishta phala siddhaye
Pradakshinam karomityam
Praseeda Parameshwari
O Parameshwari, please show mercy on me
I rotate in my place in front of you
To kill all my sins
And to seek Your blessings
Anyatha sharanam nasti
Twameva sharanam mama
Tasmat karunya bhavena
Raksha Raksha Mahes
© 2007 Tilak Pyle
© 2007 Tilak Pyle
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Friday, May 30, 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014
Electric Car
An electric car is an automobile that is propelled by one electric motor or more, using electrical energy stored in batteries or another energy storage device. Electric motors give electric cars instant torque, creating strong and smooth acceleration.
The first electric cars appeared in the 1880s.[1] Electric cars were popular in the late 19th century and early 20th century, until advances in internal combustion engine technology and mass production of cheaper gasoline vehicles led to a decline in the use of electric drive vehicles. The energy crises of the 1970s and 1980s brought a short-lived interest in electric cars; although, those cars did not reach the mass marketing stage, as is the case in the 21st century. Since 2008, a renaissance in electric vehicle manufacturing has occurred due to advances in battery and power management technologies, concerns about increasing oil prices, and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.[2][3] Several national and local governments have established tax credits, subsidies, and other incentives to promote the introduction and adoption in the mass market of new electric vehicles depending on battery size and their all-electric range.
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian American[2][3] inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.[4]
Tesla gained experience in telephony and electrical engineering before emigrating to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison in New York City. He soon struck out on his own with financial backers, setting up laboratories and companies to develop a range of electrical devices. His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by George Westinghouse, who also hired Tesla for a short time as a consultant. Tesla went on to pursue his ideas of wireless lighting and electricity distribution in his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments in New York and Colorado Springs and made early (1893) pronouncements on the possibility of wireless communication with his devices. He tried to put these ideas to practical use in his ill-fated attempt at intercontinental wireless transmission; his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project.[5] In his lab he also conducted a range of experiments with mechanical oscillator/generators, electrical discharge tubes, and early X-ray imaging. He even built a wireless controlled boat which may have been the first such device ever exhibited.
Watch about TESLA Motors and Electric Car here.More videos here.
Giant Clams
1. Nang magpunta kamakailan ang ABS-CBN sa West Philippine Sea, nakunan ang ilang Chinese fishing vessels na nagbubungkal ng mga coral reef at nanghahango ng mga bahay ng taklobo (Giant clams) malapit sa Pag-asa Island. Ayon sa mga Pilipinong mangingisda, ubos na ang mga bahura at isda sa bahaging iyon ng dagat. Exclusive nagpa-Patrol si Chiara Zambrano. TV Patrol, Mayo 22, 2014, Huwebes
05/22/2014 11:03 PMRead More from ABSCBNNEWS.
BBC Exploring China A Culinary Adventure 1of4 (Documentary)- Continuenue - Watch here
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
No animals are harmed on preparing these foods
1. BBC 1. video & audio 2. India -Kumbh Mela festival
2. Kumbh Mela images & meals .
3. No animals are harmed on preparing these foods
Monday, May 12, 2014
Communication Skills Is Extremely Important
1.Age limit for teachers applicant DEPED.
In reality:
Q.What is the age limit for a teacher applicant ?
A. Must be not more than 45 years old.
For Idealists :
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- How To Apply As A Public School Teacher In The Philippines- more Q&A without answers.
How To Apply As A Public School Teacher In The Philippines
There is no denying that teaching in a public school gives more security of employment than teaching in a private school. You become an employee of the government, thus, you are entitled to security of tenure. Barring any legal actions or unfortunate circumstances that may cause you to be removed or retired from teaching, you are likely to be a public school teacher until the time of your retirement. When it comes to the salary, the public system offers more benefit package than the private schools system – except for some big private schools. That is why; more teaching degree graduates seek to apply in the public schools. Even some of those who are currently teaching in the private schools try their luck and apply in the public school system.
The following tips are culled from the collective experiences of my sister, a friend and mine when we applied as public school teachers. I also did a research particularly about the hiring guidelines for recruiting public school teachers of the Department of Education. It is to be noted that the recruitment of teacher-applicants for every school year is from January to April. This includes everything from applying, evaluating, ranking and ultimately hiring the successful teacher-applicants.
So, here are the steps to apply as a public school teacher in the Philippines:
1. Prepare the requirements for application first. These are:
a. Application letter
b. Civil Service Commission Form 212 – two copies of this and your latest 2x2 ID pictures. When you fill up the CSC Form 212, don’t leave any blank space. Write N/A if you have nothing to write for a certain question or if the data which you are going to enter are not applicable. For instance, there is a particular space for writing “Jr.”. If you aren't a "Junior", then write N/A.
c. Rating obtained from taking the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). Submit a certified photocopy. Certified photocopy means that you present the original rating and then the certifying officer will attach his/her signature on the photocopy of the said rating.
d. A photocopy of your transcript or records from the college/university where you graduated –this should also be a certified photocopy.
e. If you have a teaching experience, you should include your service record, performance rating and clearance from the school where you previously taught.
f. Certificate of specialized training if you have any.
Make sure that there are no erasures or errors in the papers that you are going to submit. Make your photocopies as clear as possible. All the entries will be verified later when you are being interviewed, so strive to make them as accurate and truthful as possible. It is your responsibility as an applicant not to give misrepresentations in your application papers.
In my experience, I used only an ordinary long folder to place all the pertinent papers in it. I labeled it properly and made it as simple, clear and clean as I could. Make it professional-looking and easy to read. Don’t overstuff it with unnecessary papers. Submit only what are required.
2. Submit your application to the head of the school where you plan to teach. You can also apply to the district office or the division office. But the standard procedure is to apply to the school head of the public school where you intend to teach. This was what I followed when I applied. Now, if you are applying for the elementary level, go to the head of the elementary school nearest your place of residence. Ditto if you are applying in a public high school. It is required that you apply to the school nearest your residence because public schools here in the Philippines follow the provisions of R.A No. 8190 known as the Localization Law. This means, in context, that you will have to be assigned to a place that is nearest to your residence.
3. Wait for the schedule of interview. Then resolve to come ahead of the interview time. Dress properly. Anticipate questions that may be asked of you. This way, you will be very prepared to answer each question and thus project a smart personality to the interviewer.
4. Write a good demonstration lesson plan. A well-prepared and well-executed demonstration lesson plan can singlehandedly earn you the nods of the evaluators. Prepare appropriate and interesting visual aids. Choose to demonstrate the subject in which you excel. This will make your demonstration teaching a breeze and will increase your chances of delivering an effective demo lesson. When you apply as a public school teacher, you are about to teach a big class. So, the evaluation committee looks for those who can deliver interesting classroom interaction that will keep the students engaged to the lesson. Usually, the evaluators or selection committee is composed of principals, school heads and master teachers. They are easily impressed with a very good demonstration teaching. They are apt to give you high marks when you are able to keep them tuned in to you while you are demo-teaching. When we had our demo-teaching, I noticed that they tend to talk or chat with each other if they find a demonstration boring. So, just by observing them, you will know if you have high chances.
Impress the evaluators with your good command of English. If you are asked in English during the post-conference/interview, answer in the same language. Of course you must have a good command of grammar. There is no room for errors when you are still in the process of applying for that public school teaching job.
5. You will also be required to take an English proficiency exam. I remember the test is composed of reading comprehension and correct grammar usage. You and the other teacher-applicants in the whole division will be scheduled to take this test simultaneously. So prepare and review your English grammar. Top up your reading comprehension skill.
6. After going through all the process, wait for the release of the rank list of teacher-applicants. The result will be posted in a bulletin board of the division office. You get a chance of being hired immediately if you sit atop the rank list or at least in the top 10 or so. They hire according to the ranking provided in the list.
7. If you rank high up in the list, you will most probably receive a phone call asking you to report in the district or division office. If you haven’t got call, you can follow up your application by calling them. So, be reminded to get the phone number of the school, district and division office where you are applying.
Now, you may wonder, how do they rank the teacher-applicants? Here are the criteria which the selection committee use to evaluate those who apply as public school teachers in the Philippines:
1. Education-25%
It is computed by evaluating your academic achievement in college. This is done by computing the general weighted average of your entire subjects with their corresponding units. You get 25 points, which is the highest, if your general weighted average is 99-100% or a 1.00. If it is 97.75-98.75 or 1.10 you get 24 points and so on.
For those who graduated with a non-education degree but wish to apply as public school teachers, yours shall also be computed by getting your college GWA. This will be combined with the GWA of your 18 education units. This means to say that you can apply only if you have taken 18 units in education. A corresponding transmutation table will be constructed for those who have a grading system other than the ones mentioned earlier.
2. Teaching experience-10%
You will be given one point for every year that you taught in a pre-school, elementary and secondary in both private and public schools prior to your application. However, if you taught for 15 years already, it is still counted as 10 points.
3. Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) rating-10%
If your LET rating is 87% or higher, you get the maximum 10 points. If it is in the range of 85%-86%, you get 9 points and so on.
4. Experiential learning course-5%
This includes field study or practice teaching. The maximum points given to teacher-applicants here is 5 points.
5. Specialized training and skills-5%
This should be supported with documents. Besides, the said training should have lasted for a week. If less than a week, it is not counted. You will also be asked to demonstrate that particular skill. If you have that specialized training in sports music, journalism, theater arts and information and communication technology, then you get the points provided you satisfy the requirements mentioned earlier.
6. Interview-10%
Your personality and potential are measured here. Be alert, self-confident, and poised throughout the interview. Take note of your appearance and voice projection. The way you present ideas, judgment and decisions are also taken note of. Don’t be rattled when you are asked a barrage of questions. Show that you are not easily stressed out.
7. Demonstration teaching-20%
As pointed out earlier, prepare a well-written lesson plan. Show that you can manage the classroom well. Deliver the lesson in such a way that every student will be engrossed to what is transpiring in the room. The evaluators will likely give you a high score if your students get a 100% mastery level during your demonstration teaching.
8. Communication skills-15%
You are given points here based on the result of your English proficiency test.
If you have been contemplating to apply as a public school teacher in the Philippines, now is the right time to start applying. I hope this hub will guide you through your application.
In reality:
Q.What is the age limit for a teacher applicant ?
A. Must be not more than 45 years old.
For Idealists :
- Only teacher applicants who perform well in a personal interview, in demonstration teaching, and on a ... prompted the DepED to re-examine its standards. The new ... In several instances, a mere requirement for an. “ equivalent” .... teachers, age 20-30, were most preferred by 32% of the respondents.Communication skills is extremely important ... (see PNU)
- more Q&A without answers.- Google Search .
- How To Apply As A Public School Teacher In The Philippines- more Q&A without answers.
How To Apply As A Public School Teacher In The Philippines
There is no denying that teaching in a public school gives more security of employment than teaching in a private school. You become an employee of the government, thus, you are entitled to security of tenure. Barring any legal actions or unfortunate circumstances that may cause you to be removed or retired from teaching, you are likely to be a public school teacher until the time of your retirement. When it comes to the salary, the public system offers more benefit package than the private schools system – except for some big private schools. That is why; more teaching degree graduates seek to apply in the public schools. Even some of those who are currently teaching in the private schools try their luck and apply in the public school system.
The following tips are culled from the collective experiences of my sister, a friend and mine when we applied as public school teachers. I also did a research particularly about the hiring guidelines for recruiting public school teachers of the Department of Education. It is to be noted that the recruitment of teacher-applicants for every school year is from January to April. This includes everything from applying, evaluating, ranking and ultimately hiring the successful teacher-applicants.
So, here are the steps to apply as a public school teacher in the Philippines:
1. Prepare the requirements for application first. These are:
a. Application letter
b. Civil Service Commission Form 212 – two copies of this and your latest 2x2 ID pictures. When you fill up the CSC Form 212, don’t leave any blank space. Write N/A if you have nothing to write for a certain question or if the data which you are going to enter are not applicable. For instance, there is a particular space for writing “Jr.”. If you aren't a "Junior", then write N/A.
c. Rating obtained from taking the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). Submit a certified photocopy. Certified photocopy means that you present the original rating and then the certifying officer will attach his/her signature on the photocopy of the said rating.
d. A photocopy of your transcript or records from the college/university where you graduated –this should also be a certified photocopy.
e. If you have a teaching experience, you should include your service record, performance rating and clearance from the school where you previously taught.
f. Certificate of specialized training if you have any.
Make sure that there are no erasures or errors in the papers that you are going to submit. Make your photocopies as clear as possible. All the entries will be verified later when you are being interviewed, so strive to make them as accurate and truthful as possible. It is your responsibility as an applicant not to give misrepresentations in your application papers.
In my experience, I used only an ordinary long folder to place all the pertinent papers in it. I labeled it properly and made it as simple, clear and clean as I could. Make it professional-looking and easy to read. Don’t overstuff it with unnecessary papers. Submit only what are required.
2. Submit your application to the head of the school where you plan to teach. You can also apply to the district office or the division office. But the standard procedure is to apply to the school head of the public school where you intend to teach. This was what I followed when I applied. Now, if you are applying for the elementary level, go to the head of the elementary school nearest your place of residence. Ditto if you are applying in a public high school. It is required that you apply to the school nearest your residence because public schools here in the Philippines follow the provisions of R.A No. 8190 known as the Localization Law. This means, in context, that you will have to be assigned to a place that is nearest to your residence.
3. Wait for the schedule of interview. Then resolve to come ahead of the interview time. Dress properly. Anticipate questions that may be asked of you. This way, you will be very prepared to answer each question and thus project a smart personality to the interviewer.
4. Write a good demonstration lesson plan. A well-prepared and well-executed demonstration lesson plan can singlehandedly earn you the nods of the evaluators. Prepare appropriate and interesting visual aids. Choose to demonstrate the subject in which you excel. This will make your demonstration teaching a breeze and will increase your chances of delivering an effective demo lesson. When you apply as a public school teacher, you are about to teach a big class. So, the evaluation committee looks for those who can deliver interesting classroom interaction that will keep the students engaged to the lesson. Usually, the evaluators or selection committee is composed of principals, school heads and master teachers. They are easily impressed with a very good demonstration teaching. They are apt to give you high marks when you are able to keep them tuned in to you while you are demo-teaching. When we had our demo-teaching, I noticed that they tend to talk or chat with each other if they find a demonstration boring. So, just by observing them, you will know if you have high chances.
Impress the evaluators with your good command of English. If you are asked in English during the post-conference/interview, answer in the same language. Of course you must have a good command of grammar. There is no room for errors when you are still in the process of applying for that public school teaching job.
5. You will also be required to take an English proficiency exam. I remember the test is composed of reading comprehension and correct grammar usage. You and the other teacher-applicants in the whole division will be scheduled to take this test simultaneously. So prepare and review your English grammar. Top up your reading comprehension skill.
6. After going through all the process, wait for the release of the rank list of teacher-applicants. The result will be posted in a bulletin board of the division office. You get a chance of being hired immediately if you sit atop the rank list or at least in the top 10 or so. They hire according to the ranking provided in the list.
7. If you rank high up in the list, you will most probably receive a phone call asking you to report in the district or division office. If you haven’t got call, you can follow up your application by calling them. So, be reminded to get the phone number of the school, district and division office where you are applying.
Now, you may wonder, how do they rank the teacher-applicants? Here are the criteria which the selection committee use to evaluate those who apply as public school teachers in the Philippines:
1. Education-25%
It is computed by evaluating your academic achievement in college. This is done by computing the general weighted average of your entire subjects with their corresponding units. You get 25 points, which is the highest, if your general weighted average is 99-100% or a 1.00. If it is 97.75-98.75 or 1.10 you get 24 points and so on.
For those who graduated with a non-education degree but wish to apply as public school teachers, yours shall also be computed by getting your college GWA. This will be combined with the GWA of your 18 education units. This means to say that you can apply only if you have taken 18 units in education. A corresponding transmutation table will be constructed for those who have a grading system other than the ones mentioned earlier.
2. Teaching experience-10%
You will be given one point for every year that you taught in a pre-school, elementary and secondary in both private and public schools prior to your application. However, if you taught for 15 years already, it is still counted as 10 points.
3. Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) rating-10%
If your LET rating is 87% or higher, you get the maximum 10 points. If it is in the range of 85%-86%, you get 9 points and so on.
4. Experiential learning course-5%
This includes field study or practice teaching. The maximum points given to teacher-applicants here is 5 points.
5. Specialized training and skills-5%
This should be supported with documents. Besides, the said training should have lasted for a week. If less than a week, it is not counted. You will also be asked to demonstrate that particular skill. If you have that specialized training in sports music, journalism, theater arts and information and communication technology, then you get the points provided you satisfy the requirements mentioned earlier.
6. Interview-10%
Your personality and potential are measured here. Be alert, self-confident, and poised throughout the interview. Take note of your appearance and voice projection. The way you present ideas, judgment and decisions are also taken note of. Don’t be rattled when you are asked a barrage of questions. Show that you are not easily stressed out.
7. Demonstration teaching-20%
As pointed out earlier, prepare a well-written lesson plan. Show that you can manage the classroom well. Deliver the lesson in such a way that every student will be engrossed to what is transpiring in the room. The evaluators will likely give you a high score if your students get a 100% mastery level during your demonstration teaching.
8. Communication skills-15%
You are given points here based on the result of your English proficiency test.
If you have been contemplating to apply as a public school teacher in the Philippines, now is the right time to start applying. I hope this hub will guide you through your application.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Process Important Papers Anywhere
Yana woke up to attend the Church Sunday Mass going to Capalonga is almost 3 hours on ordinary bus and same duration coming back . The same routine last year but there are surprises. Gulay na Langka was great lunch,with boche, pilipit ,bread,tikoy and soda. The movie on board was "The Expendables".But Yana's problem is NBI last time he went to LCity he was treated like a criminal and wasted his money getting NBI clearance,the lady told him to come back after 10 days a long time already for a person who is staying for 24 hours only in that place , that means he will come back again for the next 10 days 3 years ago which he wasn't able to go back. Now he wants to renew the thing and he needs to go to Naga City after that online sign up.What is going to happen? He is going to use it for local application and there are papers that are only available in LCity . He needs to be there physically if NBI clearance wasn't enough. Those scenarios are man made says JaiBhava .Scenarios created for their "requirements". PRC ,NBI are earning from that .Same with hospitals ,it's like a shop full of drugs and services that are sold inside the hospital. And other government agencies are like that a big shopping mall with business ( not free you need to pay) and sales. No services( services are free) .It is shameful to say,they call it "service" when they ask for payment and with a price tag in it. "Service is that when you give rice , that's it, period!" .- Bro Ramadeva.Last time Yana ask for TOR in LCity one of them said Go back to your school and get clearance, That means he will travel for 200 km . "But Madam the school is burned and gone already!"So they release the TOR. That is a scenario that doesn't help and only delayed progress. Those centralized offices are stupidly requires unnecessary travels .When they can do it online , how about signatures online so no need to go there. Future should be like that!Can service minded government earn or prosper economically? 100% yes. Offices should be like ATM you can withdraw money anywhere. Or process important papers anywhere. Or if they want to talk use Skype! Or if they want to travel use bullet trains!
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